Institute of Human Resources Development (IHRD) is an autonomous educational institution established by the Government of Kerala in 1987. The institute is registered under The Travancore – Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registrations Act 12 of 1955. The management of the institute is vested with a Governing Body composed of with the Honorable Minister of Education, Government of Kerala, as  the Chairman and Chief Secretary to Government of Kerala as the Vice-Chairman. Institute of Human Resources Development is dedicated to the scientific advancement, technological progress and economic growth of the country through human resources development. Based on the principle, “Think Globally and Act Locally” it endeavors to bring about the welfare of the nation. It endeavors to provide education and training of consistently high standard through innovative and versatile programs suitable for  the current and emerging needs of the community. College of Applied Science Nedumkandam is affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University and is established in 2010 with regular courses B.Sc. Computer Sciences and B.Com with Computer Application.

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