The National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian government-sponsored public service  program conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs[1] and Sports of the Government of India. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Gandhiji's Centenary year, 1969. Aimed at developing student's personality through community service, NSS is a voluntary association of young people in Colleges, Universities and at +2 level working for a campus-community linkage. Our NSS Programme Officer  has awarded the Best Programme Officer  award during 2017-18 academic year.

The main aim of joining NSS is Personality Development through community services. So , definitely after going for it will result in building you a great personality.NSS Camp is a special kind of a week long campwhich is usually organized by the regional NSS Centres once in a year.The camp is planned in such a way that the volunteers are given proper opportunity of developing initiatives for various social causes.NSS volunteers generally work in villages, slums and voluntary agencies to complete 120 hours of regular activities during an academic year. As per the fundamental principles of National Service Scheme, a volunteer is expected to remain in constant touch with the community.


Programme Officer

Manuprasad K S

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